Picture of people attending a training event.

Framework Digital Skills sessions

What are Digital skills Sessions?

Digital Skills sessions are drop in sessions where you can come to learn or get support about anything related to the digital world!
Digital Skills Days are being run at various Framework locations on a regular basis. They are relaxed sessions and a fun way of improving your IT skills. You can stay for as long as you want.All Framework service users are welcome. Beginner to expert welcome.

Drop in Whenever you want!

Sessions run for certain hours but you can attend at times that suit you! There will always be someone available to help with your issue!

Improve your Digital Skills

Get support from Friendly Digital Champions to solve problems or start your journey engaging with the Digital world.

Socialise and meet new people

Sessions are informal so you can meet with new people talk and have fun.

Get advice repairing or purchasing new IT equipment.

Many people already own some piece of IT equipment whether its a Smart phone, laptop or desktop Pc. These often break or become out of date. We can give you advice on how to repair or upgrade these or even what to purchase if you want to but a new piece of IT equipment.

Click Below to explore Locations you can attend Digital Skills Sessions

Zoom sessions

Why not join a Digital Skills session from your home by using Zoom? If you are in a Framework property, then ask to use one of the donated laptops and dongles. There are ‘drop in’ sessions and sessions on specific topics, such as staying safe online.

We haven’t got any Zoom session scheduled at the moment. If you do want any, then please contact us and we’ll be happy to arrange. Just fill in the details below

Image of a computer with a zoom session open.

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