Image of IT Equipment

Ongoing Projects and Supporters

Access4all has numerous projects running within Framework to improve Digital inclusion for all our service users.
Below are a list of our current projects and our corporate partners who are kindly supporting them.

Creating opportunities for all service users to have Internet access by distributing laptops across Framework

One of the biggest barriers to anyone trying to access the Internet is having access to the equipment to do so.
This project aims to remove that barrier for service users by allocating laptops to all services that engage with service users, within hostel settings and through creating digital hubs where residents and staff can access laptops.


  • Since the start of the project we have distributed laptops to 43 services across Framework
  • Distributed 83 laptops between these services solely for the use by service users
  • Procured an additional 80 laptops which are currently processing to distribute to other services

Image of IT suite

Providing Phones And Internet Connectivity

Image of SIM's

Another big barrier for people to access the Internet is the cost of purchasing data.

To support us with this goal, various corporate partners have donated data SIMs.
With these SIMs we have been able to distribute SIMs to some of the most vulnerable people in Nottingham allowing them the freedom to contact friends and family, essential services, and access the Internet.
By offering data and minutes to service users, we can offer a vital lifeline to those greatest in need as well as improving the lives of many others by improving their ability to connect socially with friends and family.

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