Corporate partners
Access4all is entirely funded by donations from external organisations. Below are our partners who have generously supported the project so far, allowing us to improve digital skills and increase digital access in our services.
The Access Foundation supports organisations whose key objective is to reduce the digital divide by making computing facilities, support and/or learning available to disadvantaged and vulnerable people.
The Access Foundation have kindly provided the project with equipment to deliver support and services as well as funding for members of staff to deliver services.

The National Databank (Good Things Foundation), are an organisation committed to ending digital exclusion. They do this by working with partners to provide free data to people in need as well as sourcing and refurbishing devices to distribute to people in need.
The National Databank have kindly provided the project with SIMs and data vouchers to increase services.

Deloitte have kindly donated laptops to the project which are being used to deliver skills sessions and support across all of Framework.

GoCardless have kindly donated laptops to the project which are being used to deliver skills sessions and support across all of Framework.

Vodafone have kindly donated thousands of SIMs loaded with free minutes and data which are being distributed to service users all across the organisation and used within skills sessions.

Google provide a free operating (Chrome OS Flex) which we use to on all our Donated Laptops.
Having a free and secure operating system allows us to allocate our limited resources into other areas, expand the reach of our project, as well as allowing us to revitalize donated older laptops with lower specs and use them to support vulnerable people.
Google also provide a management software so we can network our laptops using a Non profit licenses further increasing the success of the project.

Domestic and General have kindly donated a large number of smart phones which we have distributed to service users to improve their access to essential services and resources.

Staffline have kindly donated phones and other resources as well as their technical expertise to help improve our project.

NET have kindly donated phones which we have distributed to service users to improve their access to essential services and resources.