Wellbeing and Mental Health
Below are links to services in Nottingham and in other areas which you can access to improve your wellbeing and offer additional support.
Nature in Mind
Nature in Mind is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The service supports people with mental health issues, and promotes wellbeing and recovery through engagement with nature based activities in Nottinghamshire and beyond.
It also helps people to overcome barriers that have a negative impact on their lives including low confidence, social isolation or health problems.
Evidence shows that spending time in a natural environment can:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Help reduce the need for medication
- Reduce levels of depression
- Help overcome isolation and social exclusion
- Improve physical health
- Improve mood and self esteem.
Nature in Mind provides varied opportunities and activities related to nature in small, supportive groups.
Double Impact
Double Impact has been privileged to play a supporting role in the lives of our service users, who are the driving force behind everything we do. Working in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, we offer a unique service that deals with all the issues facing recovering people, helping to break the devastating cycle of addiction.
Time Out
Time Out is an organisation set up to help those with gambling addictions.
Contains links, resources and support for those in need.
Nottingham Talking Therapies
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies is a free and confidential NHS service designed to help with common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Anyone aged 18 years or over and registered with a GP can access support, though a GP referral is not necessary as you can self-refer.
NHS Live Well
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.
The Nottingham Recovery Network
The Nottingham Recovery Network is a specialist, publicly funded Framework service for people in Nottingham City who are looking to change their relationship with drugs and/or alcohol. The service also provides sexual health and harm reduction advice.
For more information please visit www.nottinghamrecoverynetwork.com
Notts Help Yourself
Welcome to Notts Help Yourself – the place to find info and services for Nottinghamshire all in one place.
Notts Help Yourself is designed to help people find information about a whole range of organisations and services including:
- activities, groups and events in your local community
- childcare providers
- support for children and young people aged 0 – 25 with a special educational need and/or a disability
- health and social care information and support for adults and children
- workplace health schemes
Your Health Your Way
Your Health Your Way is Nottinghamshire’s integrated wellbeing service funded by Nottinghamshire County Council and delivered by ABL Health. They help all residents of Nottinghamshire (*excluding Nottingham city) get more active, eat healthier, manage weight, drink less alcohol and stop smoking. They offer realistic and practical support for people to make life long healthy behaviour changes.
Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries
The Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries provides mental health crisis support to the communities of Nottinghamshire.
Each Crisis Sanctuary will have 3 trained crisis intervention workers who will provide recovery-focused crisis support in a trusted and consistent space for people who require out of hours mental health support. If required, onward community referrals will be made. If you would prefer not to attend the Crisis Sanctuaries, support can be provided via telephone or through video calling platforms. The Crisis Sanctuaries are for anyone near, or at crisis who need a safe space to talk.
The Crisis Sanctuaries are delivered through a partnership of Framework, Turning Point, and Mind, to collectively support the communities of Nottinghamshire. Further details on the partnership model are available via the Crisis Sanctuaries Manager tracycsl@nottinghamshiremind.org.uk Further information can also be obtained by calling 07561 705722