Staff feedback form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enter your name: *FirstLastDate *Framework service you work at: *How many SU's do you believe Access4all resources and support sessions have helped in your service: Selected Value: 0 Does your service have Kiosks: (Computers set up in communal spaces for SU's to access anytime) *YesNoHow often are the kiosks used by service users: *Multiple times per dayMultiple times per weekMultiple times per monthNot at allWhat do you believe is behind the lack of use: *How are the Kiosks used: *Accessing HealthcareAccessing UC JournalAccessing Homelink (or similar)Job SearchingEducationEntertainmentAdmin (Emails, creating documents etc)Contacting friends and familyOther (Please Specificy)Please specify additional uses of kiosks by service users: *Does your service have SU Laptops: (Laptops which are kept by staff but SU can borrow.) *YesNoHow often are SU laptops requested/used by service users: *Multiple times per dayMultiple times per weekMultiple times per monthNot at allWhat do you believe is behind the lack of use: *How are the SU laptops used: *Accessing HealthcareAccessing UC JournalAccessing Homelink (or similar)Job SearchingEducationEntertainmentAdmin (Emails, creating documents etc)Contacting friends and familyOther (Please Specificy)Please specify additional uses of laptops by service users: *Have any service users received smart phones from Access4all: *YesNoHow much impact has it made on their quality of life: *Marked improvementSome improvementLittle improvementNo improvement/Phone sold or lostWhy is there little positive impact? *How are the phones used: *Accessing HealthcareAccessing UC JournalAccessing Homelink (or similar)Job SearchingEducationEntertainmentAdmin (Emails, creating documents etc)Contacting friends and familyOther (Please Specificy)Please specify additional uses of phones by service users: *Have any service users received SIMs cards from Access4all: *YesNoHow much impact has it made on their quality of life: *Marked improvementSome improvementLittle improvementNo improvementHow are the SIMS used: *Accessing HealthcareAccessing UC JournalAccessing Homelink (or similar)Job SearchingEducationEntertainmentAdmin (Emails, creating documents etc)Contacting friends and familyOther (Please Specificy)Please specify additional uses of SIMS by service users: Have any service users attended Digital Skills drop in sessions: *YesNoHow much impact has it made on their Digital Confidence: *Marked improvementSome improvementLittle improvementNo improvementWhat improvements has it made to their internet use that they previously struggled with: *Accessing HealthcareAccessing UC JournalAccessing Homelink (or similar)Job SearchingEducationEntertainmentAdmin (Emails, creating documents etc)Contacting friends and familyOther (Please Specificy)Why do you feel service users have not benefitted from the support sessions: *Lacked motivation to go consistentlyLacked transportation to sessionsFound the content too challengingDidn’t find the content usefulFound the sessions intimidatingWanted a location closer to themWanted a sessions on different daysOther (Please Specificy)Please specify additional benefits to service users: *Further details about lack of progress. *Future directionTell us what you think will most benefit Framework service users. Please score each answer from 1 to 10 where 1 is no benefit to 10 which is really importantContinuing to provide free SIMS Selected Value: 1 Offering recyled mobile phones Selected Value: 1 Offering recyled laptops for gifting to service users Selected Value: 1 Continuing to offer digital skills training sessions Selected Value: 1 Having wifi in hostels or FHA community venues Selected Value: 1 Is there anything not listed above that your service users would benefit from?Any final comments about Digital Inclusion at Framework? Submit