Image of books representing Case studies

Skills Plus and Digital Inclusion working together to boost chances of independent living

The Skills Plus sessions being run at London Road are a great way to give residents the skills and confidence to maintain their own tenancies. However, Skills Plus trainer Jane realized that any Digital Excluded learners would be at a disadvantage in today’s digital society. Jane requested a smartphone from the Digital Inclusion team and one of our Digital Champions has helped with Digital Skills training in the sessions.

We’ve changed names in the case study. Just click below for the full story. Another great example of collaborative working.

Community Engagement / Empowerment Case Study by Moving Forward, North Notts – how a donated phone purchased through funds from Digital Notts helped to transform the life of a service user.


In this case study we look at the work of the IPS New Path to Employment Team work alongside the Recovery teams at Nottingham Recovery Network. Sherryl, IPS Senior Employment Specialist takes up the story…..

Back in May 2023 we shared a case study written Richard Sparkes from the Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Treatment Team in Nottingham. It explained the impact of a donated phone and Vodafone SIM for one of his service users. The great news though, is that Richard has advised that Matt is still on the same number he got from the project 18 months ago, clean and sober and starting his degree in Psychology. What a great story! We wish Matt all the best in his studies

Vodaphone company Logo

Image of Computer suite.

Image of Framework Support worker

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