Case study for the NHS – another success story for Digital Inclusion at Framework

The Framework Digital Inclusion Team have been successful in bidding for funds to work with Digital Notts to connect our service users to the information and services they need, when they need them.

We have launched the website for all things digital in Framework, run Digital Skills Days and Drop-Ins to improve digital skills and recycled laptops and phones from some of our corporate donors, and distributed free SIM cards from Vodafone. We focus on the everyday digital skills that our service users require to manage their life and hopefully thrive in today’s society. The Digital Inclusion Team is formed of 2 full-time members of staff funded by the Access Foundation and a group of dedicated volunteer Digital Champions.

One specific case study is required for the first phase of the project and we have decided to focus on some of hardest to reach clients, namely the rough sleepers. Access to health care is so important for this group, but something as simple as not having a phone can prevent people from starting their journey to recovery.

Richard Sparkes from the Rough Sleepers Drug and Alcohol Treatment Team in Nottingham explains the impact of being able to provide a donated phone and SIM card to one of his service users.

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